Creating SharePoint Lists Programmatically with Python - A Step-by-Step Guide
SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration and data management. Automating tasks like creating lists, renaming them, adding columns (individually or from a configuration file), and deleting columns can save time and effort. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create, update, manage, and delete SharePoint lists programmatically using Python with the Office365-REST-Python-Client
Why Automate SharePoint List Management?
Manually managing SharePoint lists can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple lists or frequent updates. By automating the process, you can:
✅ Save time with reusable scripts.
✅ Ensure consistency across different lists.
✅ Reduce human errors when adding or modifying lists.
✅ Easily integrate with other applications that interact with SharePoint.
With Python, you can efficiently create, configure, update, and delete SharePoint lists using an API-driven approach.
Tools You Need
We’ll use the Office365-REST-Python-Client library to interact with SharePoint’s REST API.
Install the required package using:
pip install Office365-REST-Python-Client
Workflow Overview
We’ll break the process into six steps:
- Authenticate & Connect to SharePoint
- Create a SharePoint List
- Add Columns to a SharePoint List (One by One)
- Add Multiple Columns from a Dictionary (JSON File)
- Rename a SharePoint List
- Delete a Column from an Existing SharePoint List
Step 1: Authenticate & Connect to SharePoint
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.runtime.auth.client_credential import ClientCredential
# SharePoint site details
site_url = ""
client_id = "your-client-id"
client_secret = "your-client-secret"
# Authenticate and create SharePoint context
ctx = ClientContext(site_url).with_credentials(ClientCredential(client_id, client_secret))
✅ Example Usage:
Just run this script to authenticate your SharePoint session.
Step 2: Create a SharePoint List
from office365.sharepoint.lists.creation_information import ListCreationInformation
from office365.sharepoint.lists.template_type import ListTemplateType
def create_sharepoint_list(ctx, list_title, list_description, list_template=ListTemplateType.GenericList):
Create a SharePoint list.
list_info = ListCreationInformation()
list_info.Title = list_title
list_info.Description = list_description
list_info.BaseTemplate = list_template
new_list = ctx.web.lists.add(list_info)
print(f"List '{list_title}' created successfully!")
return new_list
✅ Example Usage:
create_sharepoint_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "A list to track project tasks")
Step 3: Add a Column to an Existing SharePoint List (One by One)
from office365.sharepoint.fields.field_type import FieldType
def add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, list_title, column_name, column_type, choices=None, default_value=None):
Add a column to an existing SharePoint list.
target_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title)
field_type = None
if column_type == "text":
field_type = FieldType.Text
elif column_type == "number":
field_type = FieldType.Number
elif column_type == "choice":
field_type = FieldType.Choice
elif column_type == "datetime":
field_type = FieldType.DateTime
print(f"Unsupported column type: {column_type}")
field_xml = f'<Field Type="{field_type.value}" DisplayName="{column_name}" Name="{column_name}" />'
field = target_list.fields.create_field_as_xml(field_xml)
if column_type == "choice":
field.set_property("Choices", choices or [])
field.set_property("DefaultValue", default_value or "")
print(f"Column '{column_name}' added successfully to list '{list_title}'!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error adding column: {e}")
✅ Examples for Adding Columns One by One:
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskName", "text")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskBudget", "number")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskStatus", "choice",
choices=["Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed"],
default_value="Not Started")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "DueDate", "datetime")
Step 4: Add Multiple Columns from a Dictionary (JSON File)
Example Configuration File (columns_config.json
{"name": "TaskName", "type": "text"},
{"name": "TaskPriority", "type": "choice", "choices": ["Low", "Medium", "High"], "default_value": "Medium"},
{"name": "TaskBudget", "type": "number"},
{"name": "DueDate", "type": "datetime"}
Function to Add Columns from a JSON File
import json
def add_columns_from_config(ctx, list_title, config_file):
Add multiple columns to an existing SharePoint list using a JSON configuration file.
with open(config_file, "r") as file:
columns_config = json.load(file)
for column in columns_config:
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, list_title, column["name"], column["type"],
column.get("choices"), column.get("default_value"))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error adding columns: {e}")
✅ Example Usage:
add_columns_from_config(ctx, "Project Tasks", "columns_config.json")
Step 5: Rename a SharePoint List
def rename_sharepoint_list(ctx, current_title, new_title):
Rename a SharePoint list.
sharepoint_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(current_title)
sharepoint_list.set_property("Title", new_title)
print(f"List '{current_title}' has been renamed to '{new_title}'!")
✅ Example Usage:
rename_sharepoint_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "Updated Project Tasks")
Step 6: Delete a Column from an Existing SharePoint List
def delete_column_from_list(ctx, list_title, column_name):
Delete a column from an existing SharePoint list.
target_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title)
field = target_list.fields.get_by_internal_name_or_title(column_name)
print(f"Column '{column_name}' deleted successfully from list '{list_title}'!")
✅ Example Usage:
delete_column_from_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskName")
delete_column_from_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskBudget")
With these Python functions, you can:
✅ Add columns one by one
✅ Use a JSON configuration file to add multiple columns
✅ Easily manage SharePoint lists
If you have any questions, let me know in the comments! 🚀
Let me know if you have any questions! 🚀