Creating SharePoint Lists Programmatically with Python - A Step-by-Step Guide

3 minute read

SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration and data management. Automating tasks like creating lists, renaming them, adding columns (individually or from a configuration file), and deleting columns can save time and effort. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create, update, manage, and delete SharePoint lists programmatically using Python with the Office365-REST-Python-Client library.

Why Automate SharePoint List Management?

Manually managing SharePoint lists can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple lists or frequent updates. By automating the process, you can:

Save time with reusable scripts.
Ensure consistency across different lists.
Reduce human errors when adding or modifying lists.
Easily integrate with other applications that interact with SharePoint.

With Python, you can efficiently create, configure, update, and delete SharePoint lists using an API-driven approach.

Tools You Need

We’ll use the Office365-REST-Python-Client library to interact with SharePoint’s REST API.


Install the required package using:

pip install Office365-REST-Python-Client

Workflow Overview

We’ll break the process into six steps:

  1. Authenticate & Connect to SharePoint
  2. Create a SharePoint List
  3. Add Columns to a SharePoint List (One by One)
  4. Add Multiple Columns from a Dictionary (JSON File)
  5. Rename a SharePoint List
  6. Delete a Column from an Existing SharePoint List

Step 1: Authenticate & Connect to SharePoint

from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.runtime.auth.client_credential import ClientCredential

# SharePoint site details
site_url = ""
client_id = "your-client-id"
client_secret = "your-client-secret"

# Authenticate and create SharePoint context
ctx = ClientContext(site_url).with_credentials(ClientCredential(client_id, client_secret))

Example Usage:
Just run this script to authenticate your SharePoint session.

Step 2: Create a SharePoint List

from office365.sharepoint.lists.creation_information import ListCreationInformation
from office365.sharepoint.lists.template_type import ListTemplateType

def create_sharepoint_list(ctx, list_title, list_description, list_template=ListTemplateType.GenericList):
    Create a SharePoint list.
    list_info = ListCreationInformation()
    list_info.Title = list_title
    list_info.Description = list_description
    list_info.BaseTemplate = list_template  

    new_list = ctx.web.lists.add(list_info)

    print(f"List '{list_title}' created successfully!")
    return new_list

Example Usage:

create_sharepoint_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "A list to track project tasks")

Step 3: Add a Column to an Existing SharePoint List (One by One)

from office365.sharepoint.fields.field_type import FieldType

def add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, list_title, column_name, column_type, choices=None, default_value=None):
    Add a column to an existing SharePoint list.
        target_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title)

        field_type = None
        if column_type == "text":
            field_type = FieldType.Text
        elif column_type == "number":
            field_type = FieldType.Number
        elif column_type == "choice":
            field_type = FieldType.Choice
        elif column_type == "datetime":
            field_type = FieldType.DateTime
            print(f"Unsupported column type: {column_type}")

        field_xml = f'<Field Type="{field_type.value}" DisplayName="{column_name}" Name="{column_name}" />'
        field = target_list.fields.create_field_as_xml(field_xml)

        if column_type == "choice":
            field.set_property("Choices", choices or [])
            field.set_property("DefaultValue", default_value or "")

        print(f"Column '{column_name}' added successfully to list '{list_title}'!")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error adding column: {e}")

Examples for Adding Columns One by One:

add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskName", "text")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskBudget", "number")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskStatus", "choice", 
                            choices=["Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed"], 
                            default_value="Not Started")
add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "DueDate", "datetime")

Step 4: Add Multiple Columns from a Dictionary (JSON File)

Example Configuration File (columns_config.json)

    {"name": "TaskName", "type": "text"},
    {"name": "TaskPriority", "type": "choice", "choices": ["Low", "Medium", "High"], "default_value": "Medium"},
    {"name": "TaskBudget", "type": "number"},
    {"name": "DueDate", "type": "datetime"}

Function to Add Columns from a JSON File

import json

def add_columns_from_config(ctx, list_title, config_file):
    Add multiple columns to an existing SharePoint list using a JSON configuration file.
        with open(config_file, "r") as file:
            columns_config = json.load(file)

        for column in columns_config:
            add_column_to_existing_list(ctx, list_title, column["name"], column["type"], 
                                        column.get("choices"), column.get("default_value"))

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error adding columns: {e}")

Example Usage:

add_columns_from_config(ctx, "Project Tasks", "columns_config.json")

Step 5: Rename a SharePoint List

def rename_sharepoint_list(ctx, current_title, new_title):
    Rename a SharePoint list.
    sharepoint_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(current_title)
    sharepoint_list.set_property("Title", new_title)
    print(f"List '{current_title}' has been renamed to '{new_title}'!")

Example Usage:

rename_sharepoint_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "Updated Project Tasks")

Step 6: Delete a Column from an Existing SharePoint List

def delete_column_from_list(ctx, list_title, column_name):
    Delete a column from an existing SharePoint list.
    target_list = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_title)

    field = target_list.fields.get_by_internal_name_or_title(column_name)

    print(f"Column '{column_name}' deleted successfully from list '{list_title}'!")

Example Usage:

delete_column_from_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskName")
delete_column_from_list(ctx, "Project Tasks", "TaskBudget")


With these Python functions, you can:
Add columns one by one
Use a JSON configuration file to add multiple columns
Easily manage SharePoint lists

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments! 🚀

Let me know if you have any questions! 🚀
